Sunday, November 21, 2010

International Journal of Science and Technology to be launched early next year from Biratnagar

All Teacher, Scientist and Research Scholars
Dear Sir/Madam,
It is pleasure to inform all eminent scientists and teachers of science that M.M.A.M. Campus (Tribhuvan University) Biratnagar, has launched a new scientific organization named as Research Council of Science and Technology [RCOST] to inspire young scientists and teachers to do research works, to meet international standard as well as to search their future prospect of academic life. We are going to publish International Journal of Science and Technology by the end of Jan. 2011, under these umbrella.The scientists and teachers of science faculties are requested to take membership and send research articles as soon as possible. The eligibility for the membership should have master degree in science and technology.

The instructions to authors for the preparation of research articles enclosed herewith. The manuscript can be submitted online to

Life member Rs.5000.00
General member Rs.500.00
(Dr.Parashuram Mishra)

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