Saturday, June 19, 2010

Soma Dhakal receives "University Fellowship Award" at Kent State University

Soma N Dhakal, PhD student at the department of chemistry of Kent State University received University Fellowship Award recently for his outstanding performance in graduate research.

University Fellowship award is one of the prestigious awards that is awarded to PhD student by the Graduate School. Scientific publication is one of the main criteria to be qualified for this award. However, other factors like academic standing and leadership are also taken care for most of the fellowship awards. Soma was initially nominated by the Department of Chemistry and finally approved by Graduate School on the basis of the recommendations from graduate coordinator and his advisor. He will be financially supported by the Graduate School for the academic year 2010-2011. 

He has authored and co-authored 3 peer reviewed research journal articles.

NepaChem would like to congratulate Soma jee, best wishes for your future success.

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