Thursday, May 27, 2010

Environmental Chemistry post-doc position @ University of Illinois at Chicago

Nominations and applications are invited for three (3) Postdoctoral Research Associates in the College of Engineering (CoE) and School of Public Health (SPH) at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). The successful candidates will play key roles in potentially long term, collaborative, exciting and challenging environmental research projects involving aquatic sediments in lakes and rivers. We are looking for self-motivated, energetic, highly responsible professionals with team‐work spirit.

In addition to the Post‐doctoral Associate Positions below, we are also looking for PhD student research
assistants for the same projects. 

Postdoctoral Associate Position #1 ‐ Environmental Organic Chemistry. The Responsibilities include: (1) participating and coordinating environmental sampling activities, (2) developing laboratory procedures and quality control protocols for the analyses of hydrophobic and hydrophilic organic pollutants in sediment samples, (3) carrying out laboratory work and providing analytical results on the concentrations of the analytes in collected sediment samples in a timely manner, (4) supervising PhD or MS level research assistants working on the same project, (5) preparing and maintaining program documents, safe data storage and bookkeeping, and preparing preliminary progress reports. Qualifications includes a PhD degree in Environmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering, Analytical Chemistry, and related fields, with extensive experience in analytical method development for complex environmental samples, including the use of GC/MS and LC/MS. Experience with triple quadruple or time‐of‐fly MS is preferred. Knowledge of MS spectra interpretation as well as computer skills in database management is highly desired. A good record of publications and project management experience are helpful. Compensation includes annual salary of $46,500, plus full fringe benefit. The starting date will be in summer 2010. The initial appointment will be one year, with possible extensions.

For consideration, please email or send a cover letter with a Curriculum Vita and three letters of
recommendation to:

Dr. An Li
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences (MC‐922)
School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago
2121 West Taylor St., Chicago, IL 60612, USA
Phone: 312‐996‐9597, Fax: 312‐413‐9898, Email:
Post‐doctoral Associate Position #2 ‐ Metals analysis. The Responsibilities include sampling and analysis of mercury, methyl Hg, and other metals in aqueous water, wastewater and solids samples; speciation modeling, fate and transport modeling; supervising PhD research assistant(s) working on the same project; assisting the PI in the coordination and management of the project; and preparing and maintaining program documents, safe data storage and bookkeeping. Possibilities exist for utilization of advanced imaging and analytical work at the Advanced Photon Source at the nearby Argonne laboratory, as well as environmental magnetic resonance imaging using a newly acquired MRI system. Qualifications include a PhD degree in Environmental Sciences, Environmental, Chemical or Bio‐Engineering, Analytical Chemistry, and related fields, with extensive experience in chemical analysis in environmental samples. A good record of publications and project management experience are helpful. Compensation will be commensurate with experience. The starting date will be in summer 2010. The initial appointment will be one year, with possible extensions.

Post‐doctoral Associate Position #3 ‐ Microbial population analysis. The Responsibilities include analysis of microbial population dynamics in mercury‐impacted systems using molecular biological techniques; supervising PhD research assistant(s) working on the same project; assisting the PI in the coordination and management of the project; and preparing and maintaining program documents, safe data storage and bookkeeping. Qualifications include a PhD degree in Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Sciences, Environmental, Chemical or Bio‐Engineering, and related fields, with extensive experience in molecular tools such as qPCR, DGGE, tRFLP, etc. A good record of publications is helpful. Compensation will be commensurate with experience. The starting date will be in summer 2010. The initial appointment will be one year, with possible extensions.

For consideration for positions 2 and 3, please email or send a cover letter with a Curriculum Vita and
three letters of recommendation/contact information to the address below.

Dr. Karl J. Rockne
Department of Civil and Materials Engineering
842 West Taylor St., M/C 246
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL 60607
(312) 413‐0391;

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